Monday, October 26, 2009

Cycle Climbing Day: Pagemill

I knew I needed to get a good ride in today. More specifically, a good, hard climb. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anybody to join me on the ride, so it was a little difficult mustering up the motivation. I finally shamed myself into getting out there, and once on the road, I was glad to be out on the bike.

Today I decided to climb Pagemill, but using a slightly different route than usual. From the typical starting point, I rode to El Monte and climbed Altamonte to Pagemill. This route is a nice change, and also reduces the amount of time to get to the actual climbing and useful training. Checkout the route map below.

The good news: Pagemill is getting easier! When I got to the top today, I even thought to myself, "wow, that was easy". I have to admit that is a great way to feel after climbing ~2200 ft.

Link to route and data